Expand source code
from typing import Optional, Union, Any, Dict, Sequence
from slack_sdk.models.attachments import Attachment
from slack_sdk.models.blocks import Block, Option, OptionGroup
from slack_sdk.models.views import View
from slack_bolt.error import BoltError
from slack_bolt.response import BoltResponse
from slack_bolt.util.utils import convert_to_dict_list, convert_to_dict
def _set_response(
self: Any,
text_or_whole_response: Union[str, dict] = "",
blocks: Optional[Sequence[Union[dict, Block]]] = None,
attachments: Optional[Sequence[Union[dict, Attachment]]] = None,
response_type: Optional[str] = None, # in_channel / ephemeral
# block_suggestion / dialog_suggestion
options: Optional[Sequence[Union[dict, Option]]] = None,
option_groups: Optional[Sequence[Union[dict, OptionGroup]]] = None,
# view_submission
response_action: Optional[str] = None,
errors: Optional[Union[Dict[str, str], Sequence[Dict[str, str]]]] = None,
view: Optional[Union[dict, View]] = None,
) -> BoltResponse:
if isinstance(text_or_whole_response, str):
text: str = text_or_whole_response
body = {"text": text}
if response_type:
body["response_type"] = response_type
if attachments and len(attachments) > 0:
{"text": text, "attachments": convert_to_dict_list(attachments)}
self.response = BoltResponse(status=200, body=body)
elif blocks and len(blocks) > 0:
body.update({"text": text, "blocks": convert_to_dict_list(blocks)})
self.response = BoltResponse(status=200, body=body)
elif options and len(options) > 0:
body = {"options": convert_to_dict_list(options)}
self.response = BoltResponse(status=200, body=body)
elif option_groups and len(option_groups) > 0:
body = {"option_groups": convert_to_dict_list(option_groups)}
self.response = BoltResponse(status=200, body=body)
elif response_action:
# These patterns are in response to view_submission requests
if response_action == "errors":
if errors:
self.response = BoltResponse(
"response_action": response_action,
"errors": convert_to_dict(errors),
raise ValueError(
f"errors field is required for response_action: errors"
body = {"response_action": response_action}
if view:
body["view"] = convert_to_dict(view)
self.response = BoltResponse(status=200, body=body)
elif errors:
# dialogs: errors without response_action
body = {"errors": convert_to_dict_list(errors)}
self.response = BoltResponse(status=200, body=body)
if len(body) == 1 and "text" in body:
self.response = BoltResponse(status=200, body=body["text"])
self.response = BoltResponse(status=200, body=body)
return self.response
elif isinstance(text_or_whole_response, dict):
body = text_or_whole_response
if "attachments" in body:
body["attachments"] = convert_to_dict_list(body["attachments"])
if "blocks" in body:
body["blocks"] = convert_to_dict_list(body["blocks"])
if "options" in body:
body["options"] = convert_to_dict_list(body["options"])
if "option_groups" in body:
body["option_groups"] = convert_to_dict_list(body["option_groups"])
if "errors" in body:
if body.get("response_action", "") == "errors":
# modal
body["errors"] = convert_to_dict(body["errors"])
# dialog
body["errors"] = convert_to_dict_list(body["errors"])
if "view" in body:
body["view"] = convert_to_dict(body["view"])
# no modification for response_type, response_action here
self.response = BoltResponse(status=200, body=body)
return self.response
raise BoltError(
f"{text_or_whole_response} (type: {type(text_or_whole_response)}) is unsupported"