Module slack_bolt.kwargs_injection.async_args

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# pytype: skip-file
from logging import Logger
from typing import Callable, Awaitable, Dict, Any, Optional

from slack_bolt.context.ack.async_ack import AsyncAck
from slack_bolt.context.async_context import AsyncBoltContext
from slack_bolt.context.respond.async_respond import AsyncRespond
from slack_bolt.context.say.async_say import AsyncSay
from slack_bolt.request.async_request import AsyncBoltRequest
from slack_bolt.response import BoltResponse
from slack_sdk.web.async_client import AsyncWebClient

class AsyncArgs:
    """All the arguments in this class are available in any middleware / listeners.
    You can inject the named variables in the argument list in arbitrary order.

        async def handle_buttons(ack, respond, logger, context, body, client):
  "request body: {body}")
            await ack()
            if context.channel_id is not None:
                await respond("Hi!")
            await client.views_open(
                view={ ... }


    logger: Logger
    """Logger instance"""
    client: AsyncWebClient
    """`slack_sdk.web.async_client.AsyncWebClient` instance with a valid token"""
    req: AsyncBoltRequest
    """Incoming request from Slack"""
    resp: BoltResponse
    """Response representation"""
    request: AsyncBoltRequest
    """Incoming request from Slack"""
    response: BoltResponse
    """Response representation"""
    context: AsyncBoltContext
    """Context data associated with the incoming request"""
    body: Dict[str, Any]
    """Parsed request body data"""
    # payload
    payload: Dict[str, Any]
    """The unwrapped core data in the request body"""
    options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]  # payload alias
    """An alias for payload in an `@app.options` listener"""
    shortcut: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]  # payload alias
    """An alias for payload in an `@app.shortcut` listener"""
    action: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]  # payload alias
    """An alias for payload in an `@app.action` listener"""
    view: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]  # payload alias
    """An alias for payload in an `@app.view` listener"""
    command: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]  # payload alias
    """An alias for payload in an `@app.command` listener"""
    event: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]  # payload alias
    """An alias for payload in an `@app.event` listener"""
    message: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]  # payload alias
    """An alias for payload in an `@app.message` listener"""
    # utilities
    ack: AsyncAck
    """`ack()` utility function, which returns acknowledgement to the Slack servers"""
    say: AsyncSay
    """`say()` utility function, which calls chat.postMessage API with the associated channel ID"""
    respond: AsyncRespond
    """`respond()` utility function, which utilizes the associated `response_url`"""
    # middleware
    next: Callable[[], Awaitable[None]]
    """`next()` utility function, which tells the middleware chain that it can continue with the next one"""

    def __init__(
        logger: Logger,
        client: AsyncWebClient,
        req: AsyncBoltRequest,
        resp: BoltResponse,
        context: AsyncBoltContext,
        body: Dict[str, Any],
        payload: Dict[str, Any],
        options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        shortcut: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        action: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        view: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        command: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        event: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        message: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        ack: AsyncAck,
        say: AsyncSay,
        respond: AsyncRespond,
        next: Callable[[], Awaitable[None]],
        **kwargs  # noqa
        self.logger: Logger = logger
        self.client: AsyncWebClient = client
        self.request = self.req = req
        self.response = self.resp = resp
        self.context: AsyncBoltContext = context

        self.body: Dict[str, Any] = body
        self.payload: Dict[str, Any] = payload
        self.options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = options
        self.shortcut: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = shortcut
        self.action: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = action
        self.view: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = view
        self.command: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = command
        self.event: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = event
        self.message: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = message

        self.ack: AsyncAck = ack
        self.say: AsyncSay = say
        self.respond: AsyncRespond = respond Callable[[], Awaitable[None]] = next


class AsyncArgs (*, logger: logging.Logger, client: slack_sdk.web.async_client.AsyncWebClient, req: AsyncBoltRequest, resp: BoltResponse, context: AsyncBoltContext, body: Dict[str, Any], payload: Dict[str, Any], options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, shortcut: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, action: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, view: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, command: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, event: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, message: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, ack: AsyncAck, say: AsyncSay, respond: AsyncRespond, next: Callable[[], Awaitable[NoneType]], **kwargs)

All the arguments in this class are available in any middleware / listeners. You can inject the named variables in the argument list in arbitrary order.

async def handle_buttons(ack, respond, logger, context, body, client):"request body: {body}")
    await ack()
    if context.channel_id is not None:
        await respond("Hi!")
    await client.views_open(
        view={ ... }
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class AsyncArgs:
    """All the arguments in this class are available in any middleware / listeners.
    You can inject the named variables in the argument list in arbitrary order.

        async def handle_buttons(ack, respond, logger, context, body, client):
  "request body: {body}")
            await ack()
            if context.channel_id is not None:
                await respond("Hi!")
            await client.views_open(
                view={ ... }


    logger: Logger
    """Logger instance"""
    client: AsyncWebClient
    """`slack_sdk.web.async_client.AsyncWebClient` instance with a valid token"""
    req: AsyncBoltRequest
    """Incoming request from Slack"""
    resp: BoltResponse
    """Response representation"""
    request: AsyncBoltRequest
    """Incoming request from Slack"""
    response: BoltResponse
    """Response representation"""
    context: AsyncBoltContext
    """Context data associated with the incoming request"""
    body: Dict[str, Any]
    """Parsed request body data"""
    # payload
    payload: Dict[str, Any]
    """The unwrapped core data in the request body"""
    options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]  # payload alias
    """An alias for payload in an `@app.options` listener"""
    shortcut: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]  # payload alias
    """An alias for payload in an `@app.shortcut` listener"""
    action: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]  # payload alias
    """An alias for payload in an `@app.action` listener"""
    view: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]  # payload alias
    """An alias for payload in an `@app.view` listener"""
    command: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]  # payload alias
    """An alias for payload in an `@app.command` listener"""
    event: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]  # payload alias
    """An alias for payload in an `@app.event` listener"""
    message: Optional[Dict[str, Any]]  # payload alias
    """An alias for payload in an `@app.message` listener"""
    # utilities
    ack: AsyncAck
    """`ack()` utility function, which returns acknowledgement to the Slack servers"""
    say: AsyncSay
    """`say()` utility function, which calls chat.postMessage API with the associated channel ID"""
    respond: AsyncRespond
    """`respond()` utility function, which utilizes the associated `response_url`"""
    # middleware
    next: Callable[[], Awaitable[None]]
    """`next()` utility function, which tells the middleware chain that it can continue with the next one"""

    def __init__(
        logger: Logger,
        client: AsyncWebClient,
        req: AsyncBoltRequest,
        resp: BoltResponse,
        context: AsyncBoltContext,
        body: Dict[str, Any],
        payload: Dict[str, Any],
        options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        shortcut: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        action: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        view: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        command: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        event: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        message: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        ack: AsyncAck,
        say: AsyncSay,
        respond: AsyncRespond,
        next: Callable[[], Awaitable[None]],
        **kwargs  # noqa
        self.logger: Logger = logger
        self.client: AsyncWebClient = client
        self.request = self.req = req
        self.response = self.resp = resp
        self.context: AsyncBoltContext = context

        self.body: Dict[str, Any] = body
        self.payload: Dict[str, Any] = payload
        self.options: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = options
        self.shortcut: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = shortcut
        self.action: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = action
        self.view: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = view
        self.command: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = command
        self.event: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = event
        self.message: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = message

        self.ack: AsyncAck = ack
        self.say: AsyncSay = say
        self.respond: AsyncRespond = respond Callable[[], Awaitable[None]] = next

Class variables

var ackAsyncAck

ack() utility function, which returns acknowledgement to the Slack servers

var action : Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

An alias for payload in an @app.action listener

var body : Dict[str, Any]

Parsed request body data

var client : slack_sdk.web.async_client.AsyncWebClient

slack_sdk.web.async_client.AsyncWebClient instance with a valid token

var command : Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

An alias for payload in an @app.command listener

var contextAsyncBoltContext

Context data associated with the incoming request

var event : Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

An alias for payload in an @app.event listener

var logger : logging.Logger

Logger instance

var message : Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

An alias for payload in an @app.message listener

var next : Callable[[], Awaitable[NoneType]]

next() utility function, which tells the middleware chain that it can continue with the next one

var options : Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

An alias for payload in an @app.options listener

var payload : Dict[str, Any]

The unwrapped core data in the request body

var reqAsyncBoltRequest

Incoming request from Slack

var requestAsyncBoltRequest

Incoming request from Slack

var respBoltResponse

Response representation

var respondAsyncRespond

respond() utility function, which utilizes the associated response_url

var responseBoltResponse

Response representation

var sayAsyncSay

say() utility function, which calls chat.postMessage API with the associated channel ID

var shortcut : Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

An alias for payload in an @app.shortcut listener

var view : Optional[Dict[str, Any]]

An alias for payload in an @app.view listener