Module slack_bolt.listener_matcher.builtins

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# pytype: skip-file
import inspect
import sys

from slack_bolt.error import BoltError
from slack_bolt.request.payload_utils import (
from ..logger.messages import error_message_event_type

if sys.version_info.major == 3 and sys.version_info.minor <= 6:
    from re import _pattern_type as Pattern
    from re import Pattern
from typing import Callable, Awaitable, Any, Sequence, Optional, Union
from typing import Union, Optional, Dict

from slack_bolt.kwargs_injection import build_required_kwargs
from slack_bolt.request import BoltRequest
from slack_bolt.response import BoltResponse
from .listener_matcher import ListenerMatcher
from slack_bolt.logger import get_bolt_logger

# a.k.a Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]
class BuiltinListenerMatcher(ListenerMatcher):
    def __init__(self, *, func: Callable[..., Union[bool, Awaitable[bool]]]):
        self.func = func
        self.arg_names = inspect.getfullargspec(func).args
        self.logger = get_bolt_logger(self.func)

    def matches(self, req: BoltRequest, resp: BoltResponse) -> bool:
        return self.func(

def build_listener_matcher(
    func: Callable[..., bool],
    asyncio: bool,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    if asyncio:
        from .async_builtins import AsyncBuiltinListenerMatcher

        async def async_fun(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
            return func(body)

        return AsyncBuiltinListenerMatcher(func=async_fun)
        return BuiltinListenerMatcher(func=func)

# -------------
# events

def event(
    constraints: Union[
        str, Pattern, Dict[str, Union[str, Sequence[Optional[Union[str, Pattern]]]]]
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    if isinstance(constraints, (str, Pattern)):
        event_type: Union[str, Pattern] = constraints

        def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
            return is_event(body) and _matches(event_type, body["event"]["type"])

        return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

    elif "type" in constraints:

        def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
            if is_event(body):
                event = body["event"]
                if not _matches(constraints["type"], event["type"]):
                    return False
                if "subtype" in constraints:
                    expected_subtype: Union[
                        str, Sequence[Optional[Union[str, Pattern]]]
                    ] = constraints["subtype"]
                    if expected_subtype is None:
                        # "subtype" in constraints is intentionally None for this pattern
                        return "subtype" not in event
                    elif isinstance(expected_subtype, (str, Pattern)):
                        return "subtype" in event and _matches(
                            expected_subtype, event["subtype"]
                    elif isinstance(expected_subtype, Sequence):
                        subtypes: Sequence[
                            Optional[Union[str, Pattern]]
                        ] = expected_subtype
                        for expected in subtypes:
                            actual: Optional[str] = event.get("subtype")
                            if expected is None:
                                if actual is None:
                                    return True
                            elif actual is not None and _matches(expected, actual):
                                return True
                        return False
                        return "subtype" in event and _matches(
                            expected_subtype, event["subtype"]
                return True
            return False

        return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

    raise BoltError(
        f"event ({constraints}: {type(constraints)}) must be any of str, Pattern, and dict"

def _verify_message_event_type(event_type: str) -> None:
    if isinstance(event_type, str) and event_type.startswith("message."):
        raise ValueError(error_message_event_type(event_type))
    if isinstance(event_type, Pattern) and "message\\." in event_type.pattern:
        raise ValueError(error_message_event_type(event_type))

def workflow_step_execute(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return (
            and _matches("workflow_step_execute", body["event"]["type"])
            and "workflow_step" in body["event"]
            and _matches(callback_id, body["event"]["callback_id"])

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

# -------------
# slash commands

def command(
    command: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return is_slash_command(body) and _matches(command, body["command"])

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

# -------------
# shortcuts

def shortcut(
    constraints: Union[str, Pattern, Dict[str, Union[str, Pattern]]],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    if isinstance(constraints, (str, Pattern)):
        callback_id: Union[str, Pattern] = constraints

        def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
            return is_shortcut(body) and _matches(callback_id, body["callback_id"])

        return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

    elif "type" in constraints and "callback_id" in constraints:
        if constraints["type"] == "shortcut":
            return global_shortcut(constraints["callback_id"], asyncio)
        if constraints["type"] == "message_action":
            return message_shortcut(constraints["callback_id"], asyncio)

    raise BoltError(
        f"shortcut ({constraints}: {type(constraints)}) must be any of str, Pattern, and dict"

def global_shortcut(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return is_global_shortcut(body) and _matches(callback_id, body["callback_id"])

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

def message_shortcut(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return is_message_shortcut(body) and _matches(callback_id, body["callback_id"])

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

# -------------
# action

def action(
    constraints: Union[str, Pattern, Dict[str, Union[str, Pattern]]],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    if isinstance(constraints, (str, Pattern)):

        def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
            return (
                _block_action(constraints, body)
                or _attachment_action(constraints, body)
                or _dialog_submission(constraints, body)
                or _dialog_cancellation(constraints, body)
                or _workflow_step_edit(constraints, body)

        return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

    elif "type" in constraints:
        action_type = constraints["type"]
        if action_type == "block_actions":
            return block_action(constraints, asyncio)
        if action_type == "interactive_message":
            return attachment_action(constraints["callback_id"], asyncio)
        if action_type == "dialog_submission":
            return dialog_submission(constraints["callback_id"], asyncio)
        if action_type == "dialog_cancellation":
            return dialog_cancellation(constraints["callback_id"], asyncio)
        if action_type == "workflow_step_edit":
            return workflow_step_edit(constraints["callback_id"], asyncio)

        raise BoltError(f"type: {action_type} is unsupported")
    elif "action_id" in constraints:
        # The default value is "block_actions"
        return block_action(constraints, asyncio)

    raise BoltError(
        f"action ({constraints}: {type(constraints)}) must be any of str, Pattern, and dict"

def _block_action(
    constraints: Union[str, Pattern, Dict[str, Union[str, Pattern]]],
    body: Dict[str, Any],
) -> bool:
    if is_block_actions(body) is False:
        return False

    action = to_action(body)
    if isinstance(constraints, (str, Pattern)):
        action_id = constraints
        return _matches(action_id, action["action_id"])
    elif isinstance(constraints, dict):
        # block_id matching is optional
        block_id: Optional[Union[str, Pattern]] = constraints.get("block_id")
        block_id_matched = block_id is None or _matches(
            block_id, action.get("block_id")
        action_id_matched = _matches(constraints["action_id"], action["action_id"])
        return block_id_matched and action_id_matched

def block_action(
    constraints: Union[str, Pattern, Dict[str, Union[str, Pattern]]],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return _block_action(constraints, body)

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

def _attachment_action(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    body: Dict[str, Any],
) -> bool:
    return is_attachment_action(body) and _matches(callback_id, body["callback_id"])

def attachment_action(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return _attachment_action(callback_id, body)

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

def _dialog_submission(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    body: Dict[str, Any],
) -> bool:
    return is_dialog_submission(body) and _matches(callback_id, body["callback_id"])

def dialog_submission(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return _dialog_submission(callback_id, body)

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

def _dialog_cancellation(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    body: Dict[str, Any],
) -> bool:
    return is_dialog_cancellation(body) and _matches(callback_id, body["callback_id"])

def dialog_cancellation(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return _dialog_cancellation(callback_id, body)

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

def _workflow_step_edit(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    body: Dict[str, Any],
) -> bool:
    return is_workflow_step_edit(body) and _matches(callback_id, body["callback_id"])

def workflow_step_edit(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return _workflow_step_edit(callback_id, body)

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

# -------------------------
# view

def view(
    constraints: Union[str, Pattern, Dict[str, Union[str, Pattern]]],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    if isinstance(constraints, (str, Pattern)):
        return view_submission(constraints, asyncio)
    elif "type" in constraints:
        if constraints["type"] == "view_submission":
            return view_submission(constraints["callback_id"], asyncio)
        if constraints["type"] == "view_closed":
            return view_closed(constraints["callback_id"], asyncio)

    raise BoltError(
        f"view ({constraints}: {type(constraints)}) must be any of str, Pattern, and dict"

def view_submission(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return is_view_submission(body) and _matches(
            callback_id, body["view"]["callback_id"]

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

def view_closed(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return is_view_closed(body) and _matches(
            callback_id, body["view"]["callback_id"]

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

def workflow_step_save(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return is_workflow_step_save(body) and _matches(
            callback_id, body["view"]["callback_id"]

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

# -------------
# options

def options(
    constraints: Union[str, Pattern, Dict[str, Union[str, Pattern]]],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    if isinstance(constraints, (str, Pattern)):

        def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
            return _block_suggestion(constraints, body) or _dialog_suggestion(
                constraints, body

        return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

    if "action_id" in constraints:
        return block_suggestion(constraints["action_id"], asyncio)
    if "callback_id" in constraints:
        return dialog_suggestion(constraints["callback_id"], asyncio)
        raise BoltError(
            f"options ({constraints}: {type(constraints)}) must be any of str, Pattern, and dict"

def _block_suggestion(
    action_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    body: Dict[str, Any],
) -> bool:
    return is_block_suggestion(body) and _matches(action_id, body["action_id"])

def block_suggestion(
    action_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return _block_suggestion(action_id, body)

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

def _dialog_suggestion(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    body: Dict[str, Any],
) -> bool:
    return is_dialog_suggestion(body) and _matches(callback_id, body["callback_id"])

def dialog_suggestion(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return _dialog_suggestion(callback_id, body)

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

# -------------------------

def _matches(str_or_pattern: Union[str, Pattern], input: Optional[str]) -> bool:
    if str_or_pattern is None or input is None:
        return False

    if isinstance(str_or_pattern, str):
        exact_match_str: str = str_or_pattern
        return input == exact_match_str
    elif isinstance(str_or_pattern, Pattern):
        pattern: Pattern = str_or_pattern
        return is not None
        raise BoltError(
            f"{str_or_pattern} ({type(str_or_pattern)}) must be either str or Pattern"


def action(constraints: Union[str, re.Pattern, Dict[str, Union[str, re.Pattern]]], asyncio: bool = False) ‑> Union[ListenerMatcher, AsyncListenerMatcher]
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def action(
    constraints: Union[str, Pattern, Dict[str, Union[str, Pattern]]],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    if isinstance(constraints, (str, Pattern)):

        def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
            return (
                _block_action(constraints, body)
                or _attachment_action(constraints, body)
                or _dialog_submission(constraints, body)
                or _dialog_cancellation(constraints, body)
                or _workflow_step_edit(constraints, body)

        return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

    elif "type" in constraints:
        action_type = constraints["type"]
        if action_type == "block_actions":
            return block_action(constraints, asyncio)
        if action_type == "interactive_message":
            return attachment_action(constraints["callback_id"], asyncio)
        if action_type == "dialog_submission":
            return dialog_submission(constraints["callback_id"], asyncio)
        if action_type == "dialog_cancellation":
            return dialog_cancellation(constraints["callback_id"], asyncio)
        if action_type == "workflow_step_edit":
            return workflow_step_edit(constraints["callback_id"], asyncio)

        raise BoltError(f"type: {action_type} is unsupported")
    elif "action_id" in constraints:
        # The default value is "block_actions"
        return block_action(constraints, asyncio)

    raise BoltError(
        f"action ({constraints}: {type(constraints)}) must be any of str, Pattern, and dict"
def attachment_action(callback_id: Union[str, re.Pattern], asyncio: bool = False) ‑> Union[ListenerMatcher, AsyncListenerMatcher]
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def attachment_action(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return _attachment_action(callback_id, body)

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)
def block_action(constraints: Union[str, re.Pattern, Dict[str, Union[str, re.Pattern]]], asyncio: bool = False) ‑> Union[ListenerMatcher, AsyncListenerMatcher]
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def block_action(
    constraints: Union[str, Pattern, Dict[str, Union[str, Pattern]]],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return _block_action(constraints, body)

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)
def block_suggestion(action_id: Union[str, re.Pattern], asyncio: bool = False) ‑> Union[ListenerMatcher, AsyncListenerMatcher]
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def block_suggestion(
    action_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return _block_suggestion(action_id, body)

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)
def build_listener_matcher(func: Callable[..., bool], asyncio: bool) ‑> Union[ListenerMatcher, AsyncListenerMatcher]
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def build_listener_matcher(
    func: Callable[..., bool],
    asyncio: bool,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    if asyncio:
        from .async_builtins import AsyncBuiltinListenerMatcher

        async def async_fun(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
            return func(body)

        return AsyncBuiltinListenerMatcher(func=async_fun)
        return BuiltinListenerMatcher(func=func)
def command(command: Union[str, re.Pattern], asyncio: bool = False) ‑> Union[ListenerMatcher, AsyncListenerMatcher]
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def command(
    command: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return is_slash_command(body) and _matches(command, body["command"])

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)
def dialog_cancellation(callback_id: Union[str, re.Pattern], asyncio: bool = False) ‑> Union[ListenerMatcher, AsyncListenerMatcher]
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def dialog_cancellation(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return _dialog_cancellation(callback_id, body)

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)
def dialog_submission(callback_id: Union[str, re.Pattern], asyncio: bool = False) ‑> Union[ListenerMatcher, AsyncListenerMatcher]
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def dialog_submission(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return _dialog_submission(callback_id, body)

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)
def dialog_suggestion(callback_id: Union[str, re.Pattern], asyncio: bool = False) ‑> Union[ListenerMatcher, AsyncListenerMatcher]
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def dialog_suggestion(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return _dialog_suggestion(callback_id, body)

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)
def event(constraints: Union[str, re.Pattern, Dict[str, Union[str, Sequence[Union[str, re.Pattern, NoneType]]]]], asyncio: bool = False) ‑> Union[ListenerMatcher, AsyncListenerMatcher]
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def event(
    constraints: Union[
        str, Pattern, Dict[str, Union[str, Sequence[Optional[Union[str, Pattern]]]]]
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    if isinstance(constraints, (str, Pattern)):
        event_type: Union[str, Pattern] = constraints

        def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
            return is_event(body) and _matches(event_type, body["event"]["type"])

        return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

    elif "type" in constraints:

        def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
            if is_event(body):
                event = body["event"]
                if not _matches(constraints["type"], event["type"]):
                    return False
                if "subtype" in constraints:
                    expected_subtype: Union[
                        str, Sequence[Optional[Union[str, Pattern]]]
                    ] = constraints["subtype"]
                    if expected_subtype is None:
                        # "subtype" in constraints is intentionally None for this pattern
                        return "subtype" not in event
                    elif isinstance(expected_subtype, (str, Pattern)):
                        return "subtype" in event and _matches(
                            expected_subtype, event["subtype"]
                    elif isinstance(expected_subtype, Sequence):
                        subtypes: Sequence[
                            Optional[Union[str, Pattern]]
                        ] = expected_subtype
                        for expected in subtypes:
                            actual: Optional[str] = event.get("subtype")
                            if expected is None:
                                if actual is None:
                                    return True
                            elif actual is not None and _matches(expected, actual):
                                return True
                        return False
                        return "subtype" in event and _matches(
                            expected_subtype, event["subtype"]
                return True
            return False

        return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

    raise BoltError(
        f"event ({constraints}: {type(constraints)}) must be any of str, Pattern, and dict"
def global_shortcut(callback_id: Union[str, re.Pattern], asyncio: bool = False) ‑> Union[ListenerMatcher, AsyncListenerMatcher]
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def global_shortcut(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return is_global_shortcut(body) and _matches(callback_id, body["callback_id"])

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)
def message_shortcut(callback_id: Union[str, re.Pattern], asyncio: bool = False) ‑> Union[ListenerMatcher, AsyncListenerMatcher]
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def message_shortcut(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return is_message_shortcut(body) and _matches(callback_id, body["callback_id"])

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)
def options(constraints: Union[str, re.Pattern, Dict[str, Union[str, re.Pattern]]], asyncio: bool = False) ‑> Union[ListenerMatcher, AsyncListenerMatcher]
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def options(
    constraints: Union[str, Pattern, Dict[str, Union[str, Pattern]]],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    if isinstance(constraints, (str, Pattern)):

        def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
            return _block_suggestion(constraints, body) or _dialog_suggestion(
                constraints, body

        return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

    if "action_id" in constraints:
        return block_suggestion(constraints["action_id"], asyncio)
    if "callback_id" in constraints:
        return dialog_suggestion(constraints["callback_id"], asyncio)
        raise BoltError(
            f"options ({constraints}: {type(constraints)}) must be any of str, Pattern, and dict"
def shortcut(constraints: Union[str, re.Pattern, Dict[str, Union[str, re.Pattern]]], asyncio: bool = False) ‑> Union[ListenerMatcher, AsyncListenerMatcher]
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def shortcut(
    constraints: Union[str, Pattern, Dict[str, Union[str, Pattern]]],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    if isinstance(constraints, (str, Pattern)):
        callback_id: Union[str, Pattern] = constraints

        def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
            return is_shortcut(body) and _matches(callback_id, body["callback_id"])

        return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)

    elif "type" in constraints and "callback_id" in constraints:
        if constraints["type"] == "shortcut":
            return global_shortcut(constraints["callback_id"], asyncio)
        if constraints["type"] == "message_action":
            return message_shortcut(constraints["callback_id"], asyncio)

    raise BoltError(
        f"shortcut ({constraints}: {type(constraints)}) must be any of str, Pattern, and dict"
def view(constraints: Union[str, re.Pattern, Dict[str, Union[str, re.Pattern]]], asyncio: bool = False) ‑> Union[ListenerMatcher, AsyncListenerMatcher]
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def view(
    constraints: Union[str, Pattern, Dict[str, Union[str, Pattern]]],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    if isinstance(constraints, (str, Pattern)):
        return view_submission(constraints, asyncio)
    elif "type" in constraints:
        if constraints["type"] == "view_submission":
            return view_submission(constraints["callback_id"], asyncio)
        if constraints["type"] == "view_closed":
            return view_closed(constraints["callback_id"], asyncio)

    raise BoltError(
        f"view ({constraints}: {type(constraints)}) must be any of str, Pattern, and dict"
def view_closed(callback_id: Union[str, re.Pattern], asyncio: bool = False) ‑> Union[ListenerMatcher, AsyncListenerMatcher]
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def view_closed(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return is_view_closed(body) and _matches(
            callback_id, body["view"]["callback_id"]

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)
def view_submission(callback_id: Union[str, re.Pattern], asyncio: bool = False) ‑> Union[ListenerMatcher, AsyncListenerMatcher]
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def view_submission(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return is_view_submission(body) and _matches(
            callback_id, body["view"]["callback_id"]

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)
def workflow_step_edit(callback_id: Union[str, re.Pattern], asyncio: bool = False) ‑> Union[ListenerMatcher, AsyncListenerMatcher]
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def workflow_step_edit(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return _workflow_step_edit(callback_id, body)

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)
def workflow_step_execute(callback_id: Union[str, re.Pattern], asyncio: bool = False) ‑> Union[ListenerMatcher, AsyncListenerMatcher]
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def workflow_step_execute(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return (
            and _matches("workflow_step_execute", body["event"]["type"])
            and "workflow_step" in body["event"]
            and _matches(callback_id, body["event"]["callback_id"])

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)
def workflow_step_save(callback_id: Union[str, re.Pattern], asyncio: bool = False) ‑> Union[ListenerMatcher, AsyncListenerMatcher]
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def workflow_step_save(
    callback_id: Union[str, Pattern],
    asyncio: bool = False,
) -> Union[ListenerMatcher, "AsyncListenerMatcher"]:
    def func(body: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        return is_workflow_step_save(body) and _matches(
            callback_id, body["view"]["callback_id"]

    return build_listener_matcher(func, asyncio)


class BuiltinListenerMatcher (*, func: Callable[..., Union[bool, Awaitable[bool]]])
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class BuiltinListenerMatcher(ListenerMatcher):
    def __init__(self, *, func: Callable[..., Union[bool, Awaitable[bool]]]):
        self.func = func
        self.arg_names = inspect.getfullargspec(func).args
        self.logger = get_bolt_logger(self.func)

    def matches(self, req: BoltRequest, resp: BoltResponse) -> bool:
        return self.func(



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