Module slack_bolt.middleware.authorization.async_internals

Expand source code
from slack_bolt.request.async_request import AsyncBoltRequest
from slack_bolt.response import BoltResponse

def _is_url_verification(req: AsyncBoltRequest) -> bool:
    return (
        req is not None
        and req.body is not None
        and req.body.get("type") == "url_verification"

def _is_ssl_check(req: AsyncBoltRequest) -> bool:
    return (
        req is not None and req.body is not None and req.body.get("type") == "ssl_check"

def _is_no_auth_required(req: AsyncBoltRequest) -> bool:
    return _is_url_verification(req) or _is_ssl_check(req)

def _build_error_response() -> BoltResponse:
    # show an ephemeral message to the end-user
    return BoltResponse(
        body=":x: Please install this app into the workspace :bow:",